The Gentle Guide to

Newborn sleep

A no-cry approach for laying a good sleep foundation while navigating the newborn stage, reducing fussiness and naturally supporting better sleep

The Newborn Guide gave me the expert advice I needed to confidently implement a good sleep schedule.

– Marita from Estonia

Your programme was one of THE best things I have spent money on. My son never suffered from the infamous 4 month regression. By 4 and a half months he was sleeping through the night.

– Caroline from England

Learning more about our little ones developmental stage, as well as how we could optimise his sleep environment was so helpful.

– Miri from New Zealand

After implementing the tips, my 3-month-old daughter sleeps consistently 9-10 hours a night and my husband and I sometimes have to wake her up in the morning.

– Sara from USA

Our Gentle Guide to Newborn Sleep gives you

An insight into the biology of newborn sleep

so you can naturally encourage good sleep

A guide to baby cues

so you can confidently offer what your little one needs

Easy & effective techniques for soothing your crying baby

For calmer days and nights

Week-by-week day rhythms up to 16 weeks

to help set your days and nights up for good sleep

This is for


expectant parents who want to prepare themselves for an enjoyable newborn stage


parents of newborns aged 0-16 weeks who want to create a safe sleep environment for their little one, encourage good sleep, and prevent long-term sleep struggles


parents of fussy newborns already struggling with sleep, who want to help their baby sleep better and bring more ease into their days

The snuggle is real!

Congratulations! You’ve now begun one of the most exciting and challenging adventures of your life. 

Maybe you’re still waiting impatiently for your bundle of joy to arrive. Perhaps bubs has just been born and you’re riding the postnatal oxytocin-high. Or maybe, the sleepless nights and fussy days are taking a toll on you, and, exhausted and overwhelmed, you feel like you’re missing out on the joy of the newborn stage. 

We get it. Between the 3 members of our team we have a total of 9 kiddos – so needless to say, we’ve experienced it all! And while we can’t flicker our magic wands and have your baby sleeping through the night tomorrow, we can give you the tools to encourage good sleep in those early days, and set your little one up with healthy sleep habits for months to come.

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Got questions?

Do I have to sleep train my newborn?

“Sleep training” is typically understood to mean leaving your little one in a room by themselves for an extended period of time to cry themselves to sleep. Biologically this makes absolutely no sense for a newborn – they have not yet developed the ability to self-settle when they are upset, and will probably need lots of parental support to fall asleep. As your baby gets closer to 4 months of age, how they fall asleep becomes more and more indicative of how their night sleep will be. In that sense, the truth is you are “training” your child every time you put them to sleep, whether you’re aware of it or not! The way you approach sleep teaches your child what to expect when it comes to bedtime. The Gentle Guide to Newborn Sleep will help you give your little one a healthy sleep foundation, avoid overtiredness in your little one to make settling easier, and give you lots of tools for encouraging increasing independent sleep as your little one is able, while minimising tears.

Is this guide helpful when co-sleeping?

YES! We find that most newborns sleep the best when close to mama for the first 3-6 months of life, and room-sharing has been shown to improve breastfeeding outcomes and prevent SIDS. We support the international AAP recommendations that you room-share with your baby on separate sleep surfaces until your baby is at least 6 months of age, and till 12 months if possible.

*Whether you decide to bed-share, room-share or put your baby in his own room, please carefully follow the AAP sleep safety regulations at all times.

What do you mean by week-by-week schedules?

Between 0-16 weeks your little one’s sleep needs are constantly changing. So in our Gentle Guide to Newborn Sleep we’ve included day rhythms as well as the approximate length of time that your baby can stay awake for each week. This isn’t to force your little one into a strict routine (which they probably won’t be able to do at this age anyway!) but to give you a good guideline about how to structure their day in such a way that you can prevent overtiredness, encourage good night sleep, as well as stay flexible when things don’t go as expected (which will probably be quite often at this age!).

I’m pro attachment parenting. Is this for me?

YES!! Regardless of your parenting style, we want to help you improve your little one’s sleep that fits your family. There are no one-size-fits-all sleep solutions at Sweet Babydreams, and in our opinion, no “right” way to parent! Whether you co-sleep or have separate rooms, breastfeed or bottle-feed, we are committed to helping your whole family get the good sleep you need in a way you feel comfortable with, and that is respectful and loving.

Can I still feed on demand?

Yes. Many newborns need to be fed every 1.5-2 hours. We recommend that you don’t let your newborn go for more than 3 hours between 7am-10pm without feeding in the first 12-16 weeks. Newborns are only capable of doing one longer stretch of sleep (4-5 hours) in 24 hours, and by making sure your baby gets most of their calories between 7am-10pm you can encourage that one long stretch of sleep to be at a time when you want to be sleeping too (at night)!

My baby is 13 weeks old, will this guide still help me?

Yes. The Gentle Guide to Newborn Sleep is ideal for all babies up to 12-16 weeks old, especially if your goal is to set a healthy sleep foundation from the beginning. However, if your little one is 12-16 weeks old, and you feel that sleep issues are becoming worse, you may find that an individualised 1:1 coaching with one of our qualified sleep coaches is more helpful. You can book your 20-min Free Consult and allow us to help you find the best solution for your family.

Is this safe for all babies?

If your little one struggles with gaining weight or feeding in general, or suffers from severe colic, reflux, sleep apnea, or any other medical or sleep condition, your child’s sleep requirements may be a little different. In this case, we would recommend you consult with a lactation/feeding consultant as well as your family doctor or pediatrician before making any changes to your child’s sleep. A specialist opinion may also be worthwhile, depending on the situation.


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