We help your little one
sleep better.

Complete sleep solutions for infants and toddlers

Your one-way ticket to peaceful nights

Our tried and tested approach has proven it’s efficacy on hundreds of families across the globe.


Our Sweet Sleep System brings together ALL aspects of sleep to create comprehensive sleep solutions that keep your child’s tears to a minimum, and strengthen the bond between you.


One-size-fits-all solutions don’t cut it! What works for one child may not be right for another! We help you create a personalised sleep plan, taking your child’s development, sleep requirements, and personality into consideration.


We focus on sleep solutions that meet the needs of each and every family member. Well-rested families are proven to have better relationships, stronger bonds, and less stress than families where sleep is a constant struggle. 


While some tears are normal during the process of change, we’ll help you recognise your baby’s communication and support your little one through overwhelming emotions in a loving, responsive, and respectful way.


Our approach is based on science, formal training and years of experience working with families. We strive to stay up-to-date with the latest research, regularly furthering our education.


We are committed to offering support options every step of the way. We are convinced that with the right tools and support, you are fully capable of making the changes necessary!

Does this sound familiar?


Your baby needs to be rocked, nursed, or fed to sleep.


Naps and bedtime is often a struggle.


Your little one often only takes short naps and wakes up again after 30-45 minutes.


It's difficult to create a day routine, even if you long for more predictability.


You're dealing with frequent night wakings, or your child is awake for long periods of time during the night.


Your child wakes up very early in the morning, regardless of when they go to bed at night.

If one or more of the above apply to your child, you’re in the right place! We’ll help you turn your bad sleeper into a nap-lover and bedtime-enthusiast.

Find the best solution for your family

Newborn Sleep

Babies aged 0-16 weeks

The Newborn Guide is the ideal starting point for both parents-to-be and parents of newborns. We’ll give you all the information and practical tips you need to support your baby’s sleep from day one, avoid sleepless nights and prevent long-term sleep problems. If you need help with a fussy, colicky baby who just won’t sleep, or have questions you’d like an experienced sleep coach to answer, we’re ready to offer individual consultations as well.

The guide will give you:
  • An insight into the biology of newborn sleep, so you can naturally encourage good sleep.
  • A guide to baby cues, so you can confidently offer what your little one needs.
  • Easy and effective techniques for soothing your crying baby, for calmer days and nights.
  • Week-by-week day rhythms from 0-16 weeks to help set your days and nigths up for good sleep
  • A list of newborn sleep essentials, so you don’t break the bank trying every swaddle out there.

Baby & Toddler Sleep

For babies and toddlers aged 4-24 months

If your baby is between 4 to 24 months, we have 3 options for you that offer varying degrees of support. Our Ultimate Baby & Toddler Sleep Course will give you all the knowledge and tools you need to reduce night wakings, encourage long naps and create enjoyable bedtimes for your baby or toddler. To add more support, upgrade to group coaching calls or work individually with one of our coaches to get daily support and troubleshooting help.

The course will teach you:
  • How to reduce night wakings and wean any unnecessary night feeds, while still attending to your child’s nutritional needs.
  • How to create an age-appropriate day routine and lengthen naps even if your child has never slept more than 40 minutes at a time.
  • How to conquer early morning rising and reach 11-12h of night sleep
  • How to put together a personalised sleep plan specific to your child and your family’s circumstances.
  • How to make changes in an attachment-friendly and developmentally appropriate way with gentle sleep training methods that work.
  • How to navigate nap transitions and sleep regressions with confidence and adjust your little one’s day routine to their changing needs.

Toddler & Preschooler Sleep

Children aged 2-5 years

In this age group, we work individually with families to find the best sleep solutions for your child. Having worked with hundreds of families, we’ve seen it all and can help you navigate even the trickiest situations, create a fully customized sleep plan, and give you the daily support to implement with ease.

coaching will give you:
  • A throrough understanding of your child’s sleep.
  • A fully personalised approach that suited to your little one’s needs and your family’s situation.
  • An opportunity to ask as many questions as you need to feel confident in the changes you plan to make.
  • Hands-on support through our daily logging system to get helpful feedback, support and expert advice should setbacks occur.

Day Routines Starter Guide

For babies und toddlers aged 3 months to 3 years

Don’t need a comprehensive sleep course, but want to set your little one up for good sleep? Take the guesswork out of your days with an age-appropriate, balanced sleep and feed schedule. Our day routines e-guide all our tried and tested sample day routines for each age group starting with 3 months up to 3 years old. There are variantions for catnappers and nap-lovers alike, so you’ll be sure to find a schedule that fits your child. 

The guide will help you:
  • create an age-appropriate day routine to encourage long naps and uninterrupted night sleep
  • find nap-time sweet spots and navigate transitions with ease
  • keep your days flexible on the off-days without sacrificing good sleep habits
  • optimise meal times and make weaning night feedings easier

Hey, we’re Rachael & Hanna

Rachael is the founder of Sweet Babydreams and a certified baby and toddler sleep coach with over 6 years of hands-on experience helping sleep deprived parents successfully improve their little one’s sleep. As a mom of 4, she knows first hand how important sleep is for the well-being of the whole family.

Hanna is a psychologist and sleep coach who has worked with hundreds of families through one-on-one coaching and online trainings. She’s a mother of 3 lively girls, whose sleep issues have put her knowledge to the test.

Together they form a dream team of experts ready to empower you with the knowledge and tools that will transform your child’s sleep.

Success stories

I was introduced to Rachael at time when I was feeling very tired and discouraged. I’d read so many books and researched extensively online about infant sleep, but I still couldn’t find a way to get my baby to sleep. Rachael provided our family with an extensive, highly supportive and specifically tailored plan to meet the needs of our son, parenting style and living arrangements. She enabled us to feel confident that we could teach our son to develop a healthy sleep pattern. Thanks to Rachael we experienced the whole sleep training process with more ease and less guilt!

– Rachel

Coaching with Sweet Babydreams was one of THE best things I have spent money on. Our little one never suffered from the infamous 4-month sleep regression. If anything, his sleep started to improve at this point. By 4.5 months he was sleeping through the night (!) and we have had pretty good nights sleep ever since. He’s at a point now where after his bath we go into his bedroom and he points to the cot. We put him in and after about 10 minutes he’s asleep. Even through teething and developmental leaps we don’t really have disrupted sleep.

– Caroline

Before working with Rachael I thought sleep training would be this long painful process and that it would emotionally scar my son. I resisted for months because our sleep was “okay”. And then suddenly it wasn’t. Our pretty good sleeper became a terrible sleeper and a terrible napper. My husband and I became more and more exhausted, and more and more frustrated. Rachel gave us such practical advice on that first phone call that our sleep improved even before she gave us the full report! Within a week, our son was sleeping through the night, and I felt like a new woman.

– Cherise

You can find more tips on baby sleep on our blog

How to get your newborn on a schedule?

How to get your newborn on a schedule?

“I’m going back to work in 2 months, how can I get my newborn on a schedule and sleeping through the night by then?!” The new mom sounded frantic on the phone, desperate for some good news. The...

read more


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