3 Gentle Sleep Training Methods That Work

3 Gentle Sleep Training Methods That Work

Many parents that I work with actually know what sleep issues they need to address in order for their baby or toddler to sleep better, but what they aren’t sure about is exactly how to do this. What they do know is that they don’t want to go down the Cry-It-Out or...
Is Sleep Training Without Tears Possible?

Is Sleep Training Without Tears Possible?

“Do I have to let my baby cry in order for him/her to sleep better?!” This is the most frequent question I get asked by families who are thinking about sleep training. Having 3 kids myself, I totally get it. Who likes hearing their baby cry, or feeling like they are...
4 Sleep Training Myths Debunked

4 Sleep Training Myths Debunked

The most common question I hear from parents before they book with me is “Will sleep training traumatize my child?!” It’s a fair enough question. No parent in their right mind actually wants to do something that negatively impacts their child, either now or in the...